Practicing Gratitude in a Modern World

The Important of Practicing Gratitude in the Modern World

The modern world is a whirlwind of hustle culture and growing as both individuals and communities. It can be easy to get caught up in this hectic pace and take things for granted. When we reflect on our growth and personal development, it is important to practice gratitude. Showing appreciation and thanks for the things in life that are valuable and meaningful to you is important for many reasons, including improving your outlook on life, and boosting your mood.

Gratitude doesn’t just have to be shown for the big wins in life like getting a promotion or booking that holiday. The smaller joys and blessings in life also deserve our appreciation as it’s important to not overlook privileges and small gesture. Expressing gratitude, and saying thank you, is a simple and effective way to nurture the wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Let’s dive into the reasons why it’s important to show gratitude and say thank you in the modern world.

Prosocial Ripple Effect.

Showing gratitude can improve the quality of your relationships. When you say thank you to a friend or family member, even for the little things, such as a catch up, you show them that you care. It can foster your bond and may promote you to reciprocate acts of kindness. Not to mention, gratitude can have a ripple effect, where receivers of gratitude feel encouraged to continue the kind, helpful behaviour. When others in the workplace see this leadership in real time, they may feel compelled to replicate this prosocial behaviour.

Improves Mental Wellbeing.

Practicing gratitude is a vital part of shifting your mind’s focus away from negative emotions and thoughts. When we think of things in a more positive light, our brain and body release “happy hormones” such as serotonin and dopamine, which are associated with improved mood. There have been many studies on the implications of gratitude. One leading researcher at the University of Pennsylvania found that participants who wrote a letter of gratitude to a person who rarely received thanks for their kindness scored higher in happier emotions.

In the short-term, gratitude can ease anxiety and improve mood, while long-term benefits include establishing lasting changes in your brain so you can be grateful in the future.

Improves Overall Life Satisfaction.

Another study from the at the University of Pennsylvania found that middle-aged women who kept a gratitude journal reported feeling more satisfied with their lives, than those who did not. By taking the time to appreciate the little things in life, such as the cool breeze on a summer’s day, the sound of the waves lapping on the beach, and the cat who said hello as you walked past, you can improve your outlook on the world, and on your life.

Improve Physical Wellbeing.

Those who practice ongoing gratitude are more likely to engage in healthy physical activities such as regular movement and a nutritious diet. People who exercise these positive thoughts have the skills to consider healthy lifestyle choices as opportunities, not obstacles.

How to Show Thanks.

Often, a genuine, simple thank you is all that’s needed. Whether that’s in person, or via email or text. But if you are feeling more creative, and want to go the extra mile, you can show your gratitude in other ways.

You can grab your co-worker a coffee or offer to help your neighbour walk their dog. You could send your loved one flowers from Angel Delivery. This new service is an amazing way to show your appreciation with bright, fresh, locally sourced flowers. You can choose from a variety of packages, customisable options, and include a personal note where you can shower them with your thanks.

Check out our Thank You Bloom and Treats package here:



Havard Health Publishing. (2021). Giving thanks can make you happier. Retrieved from:,adversity%2C%20and%20build%20strong%20relationships

Millacci, T. S. (2017). What is Gratitude and Why Is It So Important? Retrieved from:

Reid, S. (2023). Gratitude: The Benefits and How to Practice It. Retrieved from:

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